Saturday, February 25, 2023

Dutch 2/4th Infantry Battalion

Moving on with my build of the 2nd German Division, next on the painting table were the 2/4th Dutch. In my previous blog on the Dutch 1/2nd I documented the extensive conversions I used to convert figures from four different sets to create the Dutch brigade. If you would like to read about that along with a bit of a history of the Dutch contingent in the French army during the Peninsular war, you can see that here.

Again I inserted a few figures with fatigue hat head swaps just for variety. I debated with both units whether to attempt painting the battalion number on the front of the shako (it would have been a silver plate number), and opted to do so. I like the result, even if the numbers aren't particularly regular.

One of my oh-so-fuzzy WIP's. All of this command stand are converted Strelet Poles from two different sets. I especially liked the sergeant figure at the rear left with his fatigue cap and neck cloth. I'm not sure why I gave the commander a shako rather than the bicorne he should have had! Oh well...

Again, the online references I used which can be found here:

For more detailed information on their uniforms see:

And here are the finished results for this unit. Next up, the Dutch horse artillery.
Hope you like them!


  1. Awesome! Minor figure alterations give such great variety

  2. NIce painted unit Bill! And some real nice conversions!
